Sunday, July 10, 2011

Challenges Abroad

Lauren arrives safely in London though unaccompanied by her luggage (it turns up 2-days later). She takes it all in stride, borrowing clothes from girls she’s only just met. She has a fabulous time riding the tube, going to a musical, and enjoying the sights.

After a whirlwind visit to Madrid, the group arrives in Salamanca. Lauren’s host parents only speak Spanish and the seƱora serves up tasty food regularly. New things bombard Lauren, including miscellaneous meats and seafood with googly eyes. Meal times are strikingly different. A very light breakfast at 8 am, followed by a 3-course lunch at 2.30 pm. Dinner at 9.30 pm. Students are not allowed in the kitchen and cannot help themselves to anything. Sounds a lot like early stage Maudsley!

All is well for 10-days. Lauren goes to class, the pool, and enjoys tapas and gelato. She has new friends and loves the nightlife, saying: “this is my kind of place!” This is the culmination of what she’s been planning for months. It motivated her against ED. But he is suddenly back again. Lurking, tormenting, and trying to rob her of her new freedom and happiness.

Triggers abound especially among the other female students who say things like, “Gosh, we’ll all be anorexic skinny if we keep walking this much every day!” and constantly comparing themselves to each other (and these are the “healthy” ones?).

We knew the trip was risky and ED would be tested. However, taking risks is part of recovery. How else will she know how far she’s come and what work remains to be done? We have a plan B and C, which can be activated at any time. For today, she’s having fun in the sun - hopefully with gelato!

“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.”
~Leo F. Buscaglia~

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